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Appropriate Body / Early Career Framework

Appropriate Body registration for your ECT

Please note: ECTs must be registered with an ECF Programme and an Appropriate Body. 

Congratulations upon employing an Early Career Teacher! We are sure your ECT will be a hugely valuable asset to your school. As part of their statutory induction, ECTs are entitled to two years of training based upon the Early Career Framework and must be registered with an Appropriate Body. You may now be considering which delivery option will be best to deliver the ECF - based training to your ECT. That’s where MK ECF comes in!

MK ECF offers a fully funded induction programme. Working with UCL, we are a partnership of schools committed to research-based training. Our partnership is made up of Primary, Secondary and Special schools from three main geographical areas: Milton Keynes, Dacorum (Hertfordshire) and London. We are currently working with 65 schools in Milton Keynes ensuring all training is delivered in phased-based primary, secondary or special school clusters.


The MK ECF partnership prides itself on providing locally delivered face-to-face training which is tailored to each cluster group’s particular need and context. Face-to-face training is complemented by learning opportunities delivered via on-line learning communities ensuring that ECTs and mentors are able to network and learn from others in their locality and beyond.


Benefits our ECF UCL programme brings are:

  • All training is facilitated by highly experienced colleagues;

  • Training is delivered outside of school curriculum time so there are no cover implications;

  • If an ECT or mentor is unable to attend a training session due to, for example, a parents’ evening, UCL provide a recording of the training so that nobody misses out;

  • ECTs and mentors can join our programme in September, January and after Easter;

  • The material is flexible and is adapted to suit the requirements of, for example, part-time staff or those following a reduced induction programme;

  • Our programme enables us to run conferences and ECT face-to-face training sessions in cluster groups ensuring we get to know our ECTs well.


Please find details below of how to register on our ECF UCL programme and how to appoint an Appropriate Body. We have also attached our MK ECF flyer and ‘Getting your Early Career Teacher registered’ document which will provide you with further information.


Registering with an ECF provider:

You will need to register your ECT with an ECF Provider using this link.

Please note:

DO NOT select a Teaching School Hub. Select ‘Use a training provider funded by the DfE’. When prompted select the Training Provider ‘UCL Institute of Education’ and Deliver partner ‘Milton Keynes Education Partnership’.


Registering with an Appropriate Body:

It is a statutory requirement for all ECTs to be registered with an Appropriate Body (AB). It is the AB who makes the final decision about whether an ECT has met the Teachers’ Standards. Additionally, the AB will check that all ECTs are receiving their ECF entitlement fairly and consistently.

Chiltern Teaching School Hub is the statutory body responsible for the ‘MK Appropriate Body Partnership.’ The partnership ensures that existing MK knowledge and expertise is retained to support Induction Tutors and ECTs during this two-year induction process.

Click here for more information about the AB Service 

Click here to register your ECT with the AB service

Finally, if you would like any further information or have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us: Victoria Lacy-Wills

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St Paul's Catholic School 
Phoenix Dr, Leadenhall 
Milton Keynes

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